Ch. 7 - Prussia and Austria


Chapter 7 : Austria and Prussia (A.D. 1253 - A.D. 1900)

Austria During the Age of Absolutism (pp. 465-469)

1. Holy Roman Empire

-developed by the Catholic Church to strengthen their hold on central Europe

-Germany and Italy were made up of many small kingdoms each with it’s own leader

-difficult to rule because of the conflicts over language, religion, and ethnic background

-leaders were elected by a council of religious leaders and noblemen

2. Habsburg

-rose from a family of local princes with little influence to one of the most powerful families in Europe

-used marriages and diplomacy to acquire the largest amount of land within the Holy Roman Empire

-lost land to France and Germany following the Thirty Years’ War

-gained control of the northern region of Poland during the Partitions of Poland

3. Charles V

-King of Spain and member of the Habsburg family

-also elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

-with conflicts mounting, he gave control of Spain to his son, Philip II

4. Charles VI

-Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

-his father laid claim to the Spanish throne in his name

-battled Philip V for control of Spain, but later gave up claim

-attempted to get other European monarchs to agree to allow his daughter the right to inherit his empire

-not all countries agreed and upon his death the War of Austrian Succession broke out

5. Pragmatic Sanctions

-refers to an official proclamation by a ruler on a subject of great political significance

-the first sanction dealt with French monarchs and their position with the Catholic Church

-the second, declared Charles VI, suggested that in the absence of a male heir that a female could inherit land, title, and power

6. Maria Theresa

-daughter of the Emperor Charles VI who inherited his empire at age 23 when he died

-many disputed a female’s claim to the crown

-created large empire even though it was made up of people from many different backgrounds and cultures

7. War of Austrian Succession

-1740 to 1748

-even though Frederick the Great signed the Pragmatic Sanction, he invaded Silesia one of Maria Theresa’s most important territories

-Bavaria, Spain, and France supported Hohenzollerns, while Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Russia supported Maria Theresa

-Prussia won and Silesia ceded to them

8. Dual Monarchy-

-the Hungarian region of Austria revolted to gain independence

-a single monarchy was established with two parliaments

-Francis Joseph was monarch

-Austria’s met in Vienna while Hungary’s met in Prague

-Austria-Hungary was difficult to unite due to the many ethnic groups it contained

(Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Romanians, Poles, Slovenes, Ukrainians, Italians, etc.)

9. Crown Prince Rudolph

-only son of Emperor Franz Joseph and heir to the Austria-Hungarian Empire

-married Princess Stephanie to unite Austria and Belgium, they had one child (Elizabeth)

-committed suicide when he was 30 with his 17 year old mistress Mary Vetsea

Germany During the Age of Absolutism

10. Hohenzollerns

-ruling family in the northern part of Prussia called Brandenburg

-a rival of Austria and the Habsburg’s

-as Protestants, used the Reformation to take over land from the Catholics

11. Frederick William

-King of Prussia called the Great Elector

-used the wealth of the country to build on of Europe’s strongest armies

-refused to spend the nations wealth on lavish palaces and things for the royalty

12. Frederick I

-first to use the title King of Prussia

-tried to copy the court life like Louis XIV of France

13. Frederick William I

-ended his fathers practice of court life

-used money for strong army to strengthen and expand Prussia

-concerned himself with the military and economic aspect of Prussia

14. Frederick II

-became known as Frederick the Great

-was more interested in poetry, flute playing, and philosophy than military and government

-took over Prussia about the same time Maria Theresa became leader of Austria

-in spite of what his father thought, he expanded the borders of Prussia, making the small nation one of the more powerful in Europe

15. Diplomatic Revolution

-occurred during the mid-1700’s and refers to a sharp changing of allies among the European countries in order to maintain the balance of power

16. Seven Years’ War

-1756 to 1763

-entire European continent was at war including colonies around the world

-known as the French and Indian War in North America

-ended with a negotiated peace and no clear winners

-Prussia maintained their processions (including Silesia) : France was forced to turn over most colonies to Britain in North America and India

-after years of war Europe would enjoy peace, but leaders still looked for ways to increase the power and size of their empires

17. Zollverein

-with Prussia divided into many little states, tariffs made trade within the nation difficult

-Prussian Junkers (wealthy landowners) pushed for change

-the Zollverein was a customs union which abolished trade tariffs within Prussia

-industry, trade, and the economy expanded

-this agreement excluded Austria

18. Otto von Bismarck

-appointed by Prussian King William I as head of the Prussian cabinet

-seized the military and power of taxation from the Prussian parliament in order to unify the Prussian states

-used war as a means of gaining territory and unifying the nation

-Dutch War, Seven Weeks War (vs. Austria), Franco-Prussian War

19. Kaiser

-name give to the King of Prussia who controlled the unified German states

-responsible of appointing the chancellor and commanding the military

20. Bundesrat

-upper house of Germany’s representative government

-58 government appointed members

-controlled taxation and distribution of funds

21. Reichstag-

-lower house of Germany’s representative government

-400 members elected by universal male suffrage

-had very limited power

22. William II

-grandson of William I who took over Germany at age 23

-limited the power of chancellor making Bismarck angry

-Bismarck threatened to resign if his power was not restored

-William II accepted the resignation

-under William Germany became a world leader in