
Post date: Aug 14, 2012 1:10:33 AM

Second Grade Newsletter 8/17/2012

Welcome! We are looking forward to Assessment Day and the days that follow to help us gather diagnostic information that will help us all achieve a successful academic plan for each child. We will be assessing your child utilizing:

We will share results with you on Thursday, Sept. 6th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in our classrooms. 

            Communication is key to a great year so if you have not received an email from us please send us your correct email to allison.m.silvaggio@adams12.org or jeannine.m.tennant@adams12.org.  At that time we will much needed information.  

Science –

-observe and compare the many kinds of living things that are found in different areas

-analyze a habitat

-establish science notebook protocols


-learn about responsibility and use of Netbooks

-practice logging onto Netbooks

-learn how to save and put document into personal folder on the H drive and their personal USB drive

-create a document in

-import a document into Taxgedo®

-produce a Taxgedo® about themselves


-cooperative and collaborative groups formed for future work with WEDO®

-DUPLO® blocks used to build a collaborative community


-establish routines

-build tool kits

-value of coin combinations

-review calendar and clocks

STEM Success “Lynx”

Thank you to our custodial staff who cleaned all summer to provide us a clean working and learning environment!

How can you help?!?!

Please look at website and become familiar with how it operates, homework that will be coming home and due and general information about 2nd Grade. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns too! Our doors are open and we want to be on the same page!

Serving You,

The Second Grade Team