Teachers’ Day  Celebrations 2021

Celebrating Teachers’ Day amid an ongoing pandemic seems even more appropriate as they continue to do their utmost in their service and dedication in shaping the minds of the students under their care during this challenging time.

To show our appreciation to all teachers and staff members at ACS (Barker Road), Family@Barker gifted each staff member with a bottle of premium chili crab sauce and a wellness gift box filled up healthy snacks and beverage. The bottles of sauces were kindly sponsored by an ACS (Barker Road) parent while the wellness box was sponsored by Barker Road Methodist Church.

To keep to safe distancing measures and with no large gathering allowed, all staff members were split into 9 different locations on school grounds for a game of charades. The teachers had to guess popular theme songs from various popular movies. It was a fun time of acting and guessing of song titles for all.

On behalf of all parents and students, we wish all teachers and staff members a Blessed Teachers’ Day!