Lighthouse Ministry


Ada Fong 

Lucy Tan

Maureen Teo

2021 Lighthouse Ministry Schedule

(All Lighthouse Lessons are on a Wednesday)

*Please take note that the dates are subject to changes by the school

Be on our mailing list so we can send you reminders and materials for each lesson.

Lighthouse Ministry 2020


To inculcate ACS (Barker Road)’s values of Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Excellence.(RICE) so that ACS gentlemen will become men of character. 


7 lessons to our Barker 's Secondary 2 gentlemen delivered via videos, discussions, games, quizzes etc.

Each session comprises of pre-lesson briefing, an hour lesson in the Secondary 2 classrooms, debrief and optional breakfast fellowship.

About Us 

The Lighthouse Ministry began in 2002, introduced by parents who fervently believed in inculcating life skills for character development.  

  In 2009, it was renamed Personal Development (PD). 


Today, Lighthouse curriculum covers self-motivational topics and Personal Development lessons based on ACS (Barker Road)’s values of Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Excellence (RICE).  Training and materials are provided to equip all parent volunteers.

Join us in this meaningful ministry!  You may yet learn a thing or two from the gentlemen as you share your experiences with them. And you will leave gratified for this unique time with the gentlemen.

Do note that you will not be assigned to your son's class if you are a Secondary 2 parent volunteer.

Lighthouse Ministry 2019