2023 ACS Combined Fathers’ Prayer Group (FPG) 

Praise be to God! The recent ACS Combined Fathers’ Prayer Group (FPG) meeting saw a strong turnout of 40 fathers from various ACS FPG who gathered in the Pei Hwa Library@Barker Road for fellowship, prayer, and praise.

Guest speaker Brother Henson Lim of Archippus Awakening spoke dynamically about alignment with our assignment from God. Attendees also included special guests like Mr. Peter Tan, former principal of ACS (Barker Road) and pioneer of ACS(BR) FPG Mr. Michael Tan.

Mr. Loo Ming Yaw, principal of ACS(BR) shared this with fathers at the event: “ACS FPG is a culmination of the work of the Lord among ACS fathers to ensure that He remains central not just in the school but much more so in our homes.

“As fathers, we are exhorted by the Lord to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. We are also exhorted to raise our children in the fear of the Lord and not exasperate them.

“These are high calling that only our Lord can enable us to meet. I thank God for bringing each one of you to remind one another of our need for Him in the journey of being fathers.”

It is no wonder all fathers went home feeling empowered, blessed, and fed.