Teachers' Day Celebrations, 6 Aug 2010

Post date: Jul 21, 2010 9:26:8 AM

22 July 2010 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Earlier this month, we sent out an appeal letter to you to inform you about our plans to organize a Teachers’ Day Celebrations lunch for our beloved teachers and staff. 

I am pleased to inform you that organisation of the event is progressing well with an interesting entertainment programme lined up, including a Best Dressed Contest and a Guest Appearance by a famous local celebrity, one of our own. The School Support Sub-Committtee is blessed to receive encouragement and good support from you by way of sponsorship of prizes and donations in cash and kind. We would like to sincerely thank those parents who have generously answered our call for support. 

If you wish to show your support and join us in showing our appreciation to our teachers and staff, it is not too late. We welcome your support in the following ways: 

Please complete the attached Reply Slip and return it to Ms Carol Ho at the School’s Admin Office at Level 4. 

For more information regarding the sponsorship and donations, please contact our Organising Committee members, Elizabeth Yeak at eyeak@emc.sg and Wen-Na Cheong at cheongs@hotmail.com. 

Once again, thank you very much for your heartfelt contributions and God Bless You! 

Sharon Ho

Chairperson, School Support Sub-Committee Family @ Barker