
A ministry to rally fathers to pray together for the school and families, and exhort each other to live God-fearing lives as husbands and fathers.


We meet on 3rd Saturday of each month from 8:00am to 10:00am for prayers and fellowship. For more information, please write to

About Us

Fathers’ Prayer Group (FPG @ Barker) rallies fathers whose sons are studying at ACS (Barker Road) to gather regularly to pray for and with the Principal and staff, and provide spiritual support.

At each session, members support, share, encourage and inspire one another to love God, and to walk uprightly before God.

Over time, this team has also introduced various programmes arising out of fathers’ valuable input to make a difference to the next generation of gentlemen. Dads for Life @ Barker is one such initiative.

 2022 Events

Prayer Walk@Barker on 23rd April 2022

After 2 years' being away from face-to-face Fathers Prayer Group meetings,  due to COVID-19 restrictions,  we were pleased to kick start our meeting in person through a prayer walk session at ACS Barker Road Campus.

20 fathers, including our principal,  Mr Loo Ming Yaw, attended the session.

We kicked-off the event with a spirit-filled worship led by bro David Lim, after which the group broke into 4 teams to plant spiritual flags at various corners of the school campus. 

We also had the privilege of having Mr Loo grace the Opening and Closing sharing, and are excited of how God was evidently present in various aspects of the Church's administration, including ACS Barker Road on-campus 50th anniversary celebration.

Nothing beats warm fellowship over morning breakfast at Newton Hawker Center at the end of the Prayer Walk. 

This year, ACSBR FPG is immensely grateful for God's provision of the highest number of new on-boarding fathers.  We are confident in this revival and trust and that God has greater plans for ACSBR through this renewal we are experiencing.  Thanks and praise to God.

  Fathers' Prayer Group via Zoom on 19th March 2022

Ten fathers (including one who joined for the first time) attended ACSBR Father's Prayer Group virtual meeting on Saturday , 19-Mar-2022.  The meeting marks the first time we incorporated a "Round-Table-Sharing' on a chosen topic "Being a Better Father to your Teenage Son" instead of the usual Morning Devotion.  There were several interesting cross-pollination of ideas  from the fathers, in the form of "love language" that would help foster closer Father-Son relationships.  Some of the ideas shared from the fathers' experiences include giving hugs to our sons, be their friend, be non-judgmental, , always be quick to listen instead of speaking, connect by understanding them, give affirmation generously, be sincere in our actions, encourage through assurance from God’s Word, and many more.

It’s heartening to also learn that we are not perfect (as fathers), and to give ourselves room for failure and to learn from it.  Being able to let go, and let God take control can help relief some of the stress build from our son as they passage through their teens. 

2020 Event

Fathers' Prayer Group via Zoom

2019 Event

2018 Events


 Feb 2018

Here's what some of the fathers have to share:-

"It has been a blessing partnering with other God-fearing fathers at FPG in worship and prayer. Despite coming from different churches, we were able to join our hearts and spirit to pray fervently for the school and the boys. I look forward to FPG as I believe that our prayers make all the difference in the lives of our boys!


Hope there will be more fathers joining us."  ... Kelvin Ng

"It is a privilege to have attended FPG @ Barker for the last 10 years, ever since my 3 boys were studying in this school. Over the years, I have been blessed to meet many like-minded and committed fathers from different churches who come together once a month. The primarily objective is to pray for the school, the boys, the principal and the staff.


During the meetings, I hear their joys, their struggles and the challenges they face as they journey to bring up their boys. Many issues are shared. For example, one of the greatest challenges the parents face is that our boys are addicted to the virtual world of computer gaming, handphones, etc. which distract them from their studies. I was encouraged by the sharings from time to time, even though as a parent myself I am not struggling with issues like this.


In addition, besides attending the above large group meetings, we are encouraged to bring our fellowship to a more personal and intimate level. We form a so-called 3-2-1; where 3 fathers meet for 2 hours over breakfast, once a month. Here, we share on a personal level our family, our job, etc and the challenges we face, and how we encourage each other, and then we end up praying for one another."      ... Patrick Tham

"And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually." (Job 1:5)

Like Job, about two dozen or so ACSBR fathers come together every third Saturday morning to pray from 7.30 - 9.00am for the boys and the School!  We usually start with a spirit-warming worship with one of the fathers as our worship leader. Our Principal Peter Tan is an ardent supporter as one of the praying fathers. Without fail, he will always be there to share and pray with us. After a short devotion and personal sharing, we usually divide ourselves in threes or fours to pray in small groups. We are deeply encouraged by fathers who also volunteered to contribute breakfast after our monthly prayer fellowship.

We truly thank God for this monthly divine appointment that praying fathers can keep together faithfully. Over the years, some fathers also continued this spirit of prayers outside our monthly fellowship to meet at McDonalds and Kopitiam for further prayer fellowship. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and honour this spirit of prayers. Amen." ... Dr Sherman Ong