Welcome to ACS (Barker Road), 31 December 2013

Post date: Jan 07, 2014 8:19:12 AM

** Following is an account from a sister accompanying her brother to ACS (Barker Road) on Secondary One Orientation Day **

Having to wake up at 7am during the school holidays is a chore – especially when I’m enjoying my post-O-level vacation. However, on the very last day of 2013, I was up early, ready to accompany my younger brother to ACS (Barker Road) for his first taste of Secondary 1 life, standing in for my parents who were overseas.

When we arrived at the school, the compound was already abuzz, with excited boys and parents filing into the concert hall and the Parent Support Group enthusiastically promoting their programmes. It certainly was a welcome sight!

The morning started off on a spirited, albeit warm note – the air-conditioning in the packed concert hall was switched on late and we were enveloped in humidity.  However, the Principal, Mr Peter Tan, drew our attention with his passionate speech about the school and the ACS spirit, which whetted our appetite for more. Following his speech were informative talks about various programmes, and it was interesting to see what my brother could look forward to over the next 4 years!

Two hours later, we emerged with somewhat cramped legs, but ready to explore the CCA booths in the auditorium!  The Scouts were raring to go, with a display right outside the concert hall, and other CCA groups started handing out brochures as people filed out of the concert hall. Having been through 4 years of Secondary 1 orientation-planning and participation in my own all-girls school, I was not surprised when I entered the auditorium – it was mayhem, but in the best way possible. After all, this is one of the best opportunities to promote your CCA! The Dance Group had pulsating music playing, in stark contrast with the more delicate sounds of the Chinese Orchestra and Band next to it. Members of the Uniformed Groups were decked out and waving their flags high. There was even a bagpipe performance by the Boys’ Brigade. The Sports CCAs also joined in, speaking with pride of their achievements and spirit. I'm sure that many boys were spoilt for choice, with the array of activities. It was heartening to see so much enthusiasm and verve in one room, and it certainly reminded me of pleasant days gone by.

All in all, it was a meaningful way to start the new school year. I enjoyed the experience very much, despite not being a student-to-be of the school, and I'm sure that much excitement was generated leading up to my brother’s first day of school!

Claire Soh

Sister of a Sec 1 (2014) Student

More photos at Orientation Day and CCA Open House on 31 December 2013: