Upholding the Annual Cross Country Run in Prayers

Post date: Mar 16, 2012 10:0:11 AM

By June Wong

Friday Morning Prayer

Isaiah 55:9 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.' The day started wet but as time came for the boys to start their race, the rain stopped and the weather changed from wet to dry and nice.

While the boys ran, mums and dads from the Friday Prayer group sang worship songs, prayed and enjoyed God's provision of beautiful weather, good food and fantastic fellowship. We had a wonderful time experiencing God's perfectly crafted weather and also worshipping Him under the open skies.

Friday Morning Prayer mums turned up bright and early to pray for safety, good weather and fellowship.

All ready and waiting for the other parents.

Mr. Peter Tan enjoying a few moments with the Prayer parents.