The Great (Green) Spaghetti Cookout 2019

Post date: May 20, 2019 1:18:33 PM

By Lynette Chiu

“Will they bring their own containers?”

This was the big question on everyone’s mind as preparations were underway during the Great Green Spaghetti Cookout on Friday, 26th April 2019.

As parents portioned out pasta and heated up sauce, talk revolved around the initiative to go green for the annual event. Everyone felt it was a brilliant idea to help save the earth by cutting down on styrofoam serving plates, but would the boys co-operate and bring their own containers?

Just like clockwork, as soon as the spaghetti serving counters were set up, the boys from the first recess streamed into the canteen. To everyone’s relief, many boys had brought along their own containers! The ACS gentlemen had risen to the challenge to go green!  Heaps of spaghetti were ladled into recyclable containers of various shapes and sizes. One boy was even spotted carrying what looked suspiciously like a small saucepan! 

“Save the earth.”

“Reuse, reduce, recycle.”

“Less waste.”

The boys were glad to play their part in saving the environment, but they were even happier to chow down on the pasta.  Many had second servings and quite a few went back for third helpings as well. No matter how much they ate, they all remembered to save a little space at the end of the meal for their ice cream treat!

While the parents in charge of pasta were concerned if the boys would bring their containers, the parents in charge of ice-cream had worries of their own.

“A minor riot was narrowly averted.”

The parents standing by the ice-cream containers had to brace their hearts and turn away the primary school boys who gazed longingly at the ice-cream. When their sweet requests for popsicles were turned down, a mini riot threatened to erupt. The little ones were appeased only when they were promised their turn would come when they moved up to Secondary 1.

It was then no surprise that the boys who seemed to enjoy The Great (Green) Spaghetti Cookout the most were the Secondary One students.

“My brothers got to do this before and it’s finally my turn!”  declared Reyna Teo as he finished up his pasta.

Once again, the Great Spaghetti Cookout was a resounding success. This year, it was made better because of the green initiative and we all look forward to an even Greater Spaghetti Cookout in the year to come!