Prepare for your Exams Better! FREE Worskhop by Adam Khoo‏

Post date: Jun 25, 2013 11:10:25 AM

12th July 2013

Dear Parents,

Event registration for Adam Khoo Session 2 (1pm to 4pm) has been cancelled as the response is not positive. Thank you for your interest, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Thanks and regards,


27th June 2013 

Due to overwhelming response, all the places available for Adam Khoo's Workshop from 9am to 12pm on 27th July, have been filled.

We have requested for a second session on the same day from 1pm-4pm. This is, however, subject to the numbers interested. Do take note that the speaker may not be Mr Khoo himself.

However, if you are interested, please go to this link to register for the second session.

Thank you for your interest.

25th June 2013

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group have brought us a complimentary workshop for our parents and students in ACS (Barker Road) to share more about how you can prepare for the End-of-Year Examinations.

Parents play an instrumental role in the growing up years of your child, wanting the best for your child to succeed and excel in life. Through this workshop, we hope to share with you techniques and tips to studying and how parents can support their child to excel.

Seats are limited. So sign up now!

Thank you.

Ms Nur Ezzati

School Family Education Coordinator, ACS(Barker Road).

Note: Registration for morning session is closed, and the proposed afternoon session is cancelled.