Overseas Community Involvement Trip to Siem Reap, 6th to 10th June 2014

Post date: Mar 25, 2014 12:18:58 PM

Overseas Community Involvement Trip to Siem Reap

Travel Date: 6th - 10th June 2014

Cost: $350 per person (excluding airfare & insurance)

Registration & Payment Details:

Closing Date: 4th April 2014

Read to find out more:

We have always encouraged our boys and staff to give back to the community. As such, we are planning a trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia, as part of our OCIP with Dads for Life@Barker.

For this year’s OCIP trip, we have arranged to render our help to 4-Square Orphanage in Cambodia. The 4-Square Orphanage is self-funding and as such, does not have the means to maintain the premises on their own. The purpose of this trip is for the participants to:

In addition, they will be given opportunities to:

We will also be raising funds via a drinks sale within the school premise to do the following:

This trip is open to all boys and their fathers (all boys must be accompanied by their fathers) and it is our intention that this trip provide an opportunity for fathers to bond with their sons and to do meaningful work together to help the less fortunate. As such, mothers are not allowed on the trip.

The cost of the trip is $350 per person and is exclusive of airfare and insurance, but inclusive of accommodation and meals. We are keeping the group size to no more than 70 so as to ensure a smooth operation. Acceptance will be on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Please register early to confirm your place for the trip. Confirmed participants will be informed via e-mail and there will be a briefing later this month.

Please fill in the registration form and drop it off together with the full payment in cheque in the box marked “Dads for Life@Barker’s OCIP Cambodia Trip June 2014” in the General Office.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Tan
