GCE N-Level/O-Level Prayer Support

Post date: Sep 12, 2020 8:25:26 AM

by Tan Seo Pake

Our Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) N-Level students start their written exams on 14 September through 16 October 2020 while our GCE O-Level students will start theirs on 19 October through 12 November 2020.

To support our ACS (Barker Road) gentlemen in their GCE N-Level and GCE O-Level exams, parents in previous years, prayed with the boys during their tea break and also entered their classrooms to pray with them.  However, due to Covid-19 outbreak this year, parents are unable to gather and pray in person with the boys.  Instead, a N-Level/O-Level Prayer Request Box has been set up in the General Office for our boys to submit their prayer requests.  On 5 August 2020, the prayer request forms together with a personalised encouragement card prepared by praying parents, were distributed to each boy through the respective form teachers. 

Parents pray for the GCE N-Level and GCE O-Level boys at their weekly Friday morning prayer meetings via Zoom during school term.  We pray for the boys both generally and specifically by class and name, according to their needs and personal requests indicated on their Prayer Request Forms.  We will continue to uphold our boys in prayer before and during their exams and we wish them all the best in their National exams.