Family@Barker Welcome Tea 2022

1 April 2022

It was with great pleasure that Family@Barker held our in-person Welcome Tea on 1 April 2022 at the Drama Theatre. We had a good turnout with about 40 parents and most parents were from the secondary one & two cohort.

Our chairperson, Ms Jeannette Chan, warmly welcomed parents to our very first in person activity for 2022. The parent volunteers heading the numerous committees/ministries were briefly introduced. Parents were given the opportunity to mingle with the various ministries heads and inquire on how to volunteer and/or find out more about the various ministries.

Our principal, Mr Loo Ming Yaw and vice principals, Mrs Aw Meng Yin and Ms Corie Lee were also present to welcome parents back onto campus for our first in person activity for 2022. Mr Loo gave a short speech to welcome new parents and stressed the importance of the continued partnership between school and parents. 

Family@Barker hopes that with the easing of Safe Management Measures there will be more in-person activities where we can engage with other parents, establish new lasting friendships among parent volunteers, and strengthen our partnership between school and Family@Barker.