Family@Barker at the Sec 1 Orientation (5 Jan 2018)

Post date: Jan 25, 2018 3:48:30 AM

by Ethel Phang

A big WELCOME to our Secondary One gentlemen and their parents to ACS (Barker Road)! 

On 5th January 2018, volunteers of Family@Barker turned up full-force at the Secondary 1 Orientation to extend a warm welcome to parents into the ACS (Barker Road) family. These volunteers enthusiastically briefed the new parents on the many programmes organised annually by Family@Barker. They also extended the invitation for parents to be part of their sons’ lives in school as their sons embark on their new educational milestone.

We are very happy with the positive response - after reviewing the various activities that Family@Barker has to offer, many took their first steps to sign up through the laptops and forms at our booths. Many also took with them souvenirs in the form of our custom-designed ACS car decals - which enabled the ACS school spirit to make its way around Singapore! 

Cheers to the Secondary 1 boys and their parents on their first taste of the ACS experience! Family@Barker looks forward to yet another year of nourishing bodies, minds and souls through the joys of service and fellowship!