Cross Country 2018

Post date: Mar 24, 2018 1:4:34 PM

by Anjna Vij Nihalani

The 2018 Inter House Cross Country Run dawned bright and early with a gorgeous sunrise coming up over the horizon at East Coast Park. The morning sun exploded in beautiful hues amidst a clear sky setting the tone for a great morning run.  

The troops I ferried dutifully carried and dropped off my cooked sausages before scuttling off to find their friends. The Food Ministry parents were an experienced and efficient bunch and after some quick introductions, we set to work setting up tables and preparing 1,500 hot dogs for all present. By 8am, the hot dogs were ready to go, and the Ketchup and Mustard Brigade and others were all assigned roles.

The runners took off in various groups after assembly, and the fast ones came back in quick time  -- 11 to 12 mins for the 4km run; famished, and with rivulets of sweat running down their faces. The boys had lots of fun – what more could be said? A day off from being in class, the start of the holidays, great weather for a good run, and for the competitive runners, a day of training with their friends.

Everyone happily ate their hotdogs, bananas and drank their Milo’s while waiting patiently for all the runners to come in before the prize giving. There were lots of claps and cheers supporting the runners and the Houses amidst the peals of laughter coming from various corners and sounds of good-natured joshing.

It started to warm up and the adults sought refuge moving from one shady spot to another. However, what warmed up the most were the hearts of those present as we all came together to share wonderful fellowship, enjoy the camaraderie and willingly lend a helping hand to serve all present.