Celebrating Racial Harmony 2018

Post date: Jul 28, 2018 9:36:15 AM

by Jean Leong

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

ACS (Barker Road) commemorated the 2nd Racial Harmony Day this year with a buffet spread of food from the four ethnic groups: Chinese, Indian, Muslim and Eurasian.

A devoted group of 75 parent volunteers signed up with the Food Ministry to contribute food and/or serve.  Many were returning parent volunteers that were heartened by the boys’ appreciation of their efforts last year. There were also parents of old boys coming back to bless the school with their food and labour of love. All in all, the boys were treated to a total of 3,440 portions of main dishes and snacks !

Each of the boys was treated to one main dish and one snack each.  The popular main dishes included Shepherd’s Pie, Chicken Rice, Ramley Burgers, Nasi Briyani and Nasi Lemak.  There was a very extensive range of snacks: You Tiao, Egg Tarts, Kung Bak Pao, Ban Chang Kueh, Agar Agar, Epok Epok, Kueh Lapis, Putu Mayam, Aloo Tikki, Samosas, Kueh Kueh, Pineapple Tart and Kueh Buluh.  To top it all, the boys loved the free flow of refreshing chilled Milo drinks from the iconic green Milo truck.

Besides celebrating with ethnic food, both teachers and students were encouraged to come dressed in their ethnic wear.  It was wonderful to see many boys dressing up in their bright traditional or contemporary inspired costumes. Beyond the usual range of Chinese, Indian and Malays costumes, some boys even came in Japanese bandanas and Cowboy hats !

Yap Kei Yang (2S), a prefect who wore his gold Chinese changshan, proudly shared, “I wore my outfit to school today so as to support this Racial Harmony Day and display the ACS spirit.  Being a prefect, it is important to set a good example for our juniors !”

Congratulations to the Food Ministry organizing committee for a job well done!  And a BIG Thank You to all the parents and teachers who contributed and helped in this Racial Harmony Day !