Tydzień II

Wtorek - 04.01.2022

Przepiszcie notatkę z dzisiejszej lekcji.

Unit 3 - lesson 6.docx

Podczas lekcji obejrzeliśmy film, który wyjaśniał zastosowanie drugiego okresu warunkowego.

Wykonaliśmy ćw. 1, 2, 4 i 6 ze str. 38 w podręczniku.

Sprawdźcie ponownie odpowiedzi

Ex. 1

  1. had

  2. wouldn't

  3. built

  4. respected

  5. would

Ex. 2

  1. would you change/became

  2. would you pass/were

  3. would you support/had to

  4. would you do/saw

  5. would you vote/were

Ex. 4

  1. If our school didn't have computers, we wouldn't use them in class.

  2. If languages weren't important, we wouldn't study them.

  3. Charities wouldn't have money for good causes if people didn't support them.

  4. If the government didn't protect endangered animals, they wouldn't survive.

Ex. 6

  1. if I were you

  2. would vote for them

  3. if you had a/ the


Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 31 - zeszyt ćwiczeń

Sprawdźcie ponownie odpowiedzi do pracy domowej z poprzedniej lekcji.

Zeszyt ćwiczeń str. 30

Ex. 1

  1. human rights

  2. political party

  3. candidate

  4. votes

  5. government

Ex. 2

  1. democracy

  2. election

  3. debates

  4. pass laws

Ex. 3

  1. a ban

  2. to ban

  3. to vote

  4. a vote

  5. to debate

  6. a debate

Ex. 4

  1. (very expensive) leather

  2. say another politician's name/ other politicians's names/say each other's names

  3. 1,000 rooms

  4. 650 politicians

Ex. 5

  1. very old ways

  2. For about 700 years

  3. sit down (because there aren't enough seats for everybody)

  4. in a very bad condition