Tydzień II

Poniedziałek - 03.01.2022

Sprawdźcie raz jeszcze pracę domową.

Zeszyt ćwiczeń

Ex. 1 p. 33

  1. It

  2. for

  3. by

  4. yet

  5. hope

  6. sharing

Ex. 2 p.33

  1. b

  2. c

  3. a

Ex. 3 p. 33

Situation now: a, e

Recent activity: d

Past activity: b

Planned activities: c, f

Ex. 4 p. 33

  1. It's Bella

  2. It was very late

  3. It was

  4. It only

Teraz sprawdźcie ćwiczenia wykonane na lekcji


Ex. 1 p. 41

Announcement 1

  1. It is travelling to Dublin.

  2. They can buy some gifts and souvenirs.

  3. They must take their bags and coat.

Announcement 2

  1. They have come from Londyn.

  2. They are travelling/ going by coach to the mountains/ go hiking.

  3. The couch leaves at 8:30 in the morning.

Ex. 2 p. 41

  1. b

  2. a

Ex. 3 p. 41

  1. does the train to London.

  2. like to check out

Ex. 4 p. 41

  1. for

  2. tent

  3. haven't

  4. hiking/ backpacing/ walking

  5. climb

Ex. 5 p. 41

  1. have they been

  2. did they set

  3. Has the plane

  4. twenty minutes ago

  5. She has been


Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 34

Środa - 05.01.2022

Sprawdźcie raz jeszcze pracę domową

Zeszyt ćwiczeń

Ex. 1 p. 34

  1. youth hostel

  2. go hiking

  3. go backpacking

  4. go abroad

  5. sunbathe

  6. see the sights

  7. book your flight

  8. buy souvenirs

Ex. 2 p. 34

  1. landed

  2. left

  3. arrived

  4. got in

  5. set off

  6. got off

  7. got on

  8. came back

Ex. 3 p. 34

  1. can I buy

  2. What time is the

  3. does it leave

  4. Is it far?

  5. can't miss

Ex. 4 p. 34

  1. 've known

  2. since

  3. met

  4. has lived

  5. for

  6. came

  7. ago

  8. moved

  9. in

Ex. 5 p. 34

  1. Have you been

  2. 've been

  3. for

  4. Have you seen

  5. yet

  6. haven't

  7. 've already visited

  8. has lived

  9. since

Przepiszcie notatkę z dzisiejszej lekcji do zeszytu:

Unit 4 - lesson 1.docx

Odpowiedzi do zadań wykonanych na lekcji


Ex. 1p. 45







Ex. 4 p. 45

  1. is the bargain, it costs £ 90

  2. costs £ 102

  3. each costs £ 100


Zeszyt ćwiczeń

Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 i 5 p. 35