Tydzień XVIII

Wtorek - 16.03.2021

Przepiszcie notatkę z dzisiejszej lekcji

Unit 6 - lesson 6.docx

Żeby ułatwić zrozumienie tematu, obejrzyjmy film.

Ćwiczenia, które wykonaliśmy na lekcji.

Podręcznik str. 76

Ex. 1

  1. must/ have to

  2. doesn't have to

  3. must/ has to

  4. mustn't

  5. don't have to

Ex. 6

  1. have to score

  2. mustn't kick

  3. don't have to

  4. have to throw

Odpowiedzi do pracy domowej.

Zeszyt ćwiczeń str. 59

Ex. 1

  1. score

  2. win

  3. rules

  4. referee

  5. opponents

  6. players

Ex. 2

  1. supporters

  2. championship

  3. scored

  4. set

  5. broke

  6. players

  7. opponents

  8. trophy

Ex. 3

1a) noun b) verb

2a) noun b) verb

3a) verb b) noun

4a) noun b) verb

5a) verb b) noun

6a) noun b) verb

Ex. 4

  1. 2-2

  2. she twisted her ankle

  3. (about) 6000/ six thousand

  4. May 6/ 6th May

Ex. 5

  1. happy

  2. 2-0

  3. 2000

  4. Wales


Zeszyt ćwiczeń str. 60

Ex. 1, 2, 3 i 4

Środa - 17.03.2021

Przepiszcie notatkę z dzisiejszej lekcji.

Unit 6 - lesson 7.docx

Raz jeszcze sprawdźcie odpowiedzi do zadań wykonanych na lekcji.

Podręcznik str. 76

Ex. 4

  1. Yes, they do. (They have to use a bat and a ball)

  2. They have to hit the ball over the net to score points.

  3. A player has to score 11 points (to win the game).

  4. Players have to play at least 3 games, up to 5 games.

  5. A referee usually has to make decisions. But in this game, mum has to decide.

Podręcznik str. 77

Ex. 1

  1. cricket - 3

  2. Formula 1/ motor racing - 4

  3. tennis - 2

  4. American football - 1

Ex. 2

  1. At Wimledon

  2. At the Ashes

  3. At a Formula 1 Grand Prix

  4. At the Super Bowl

Ex. 4

  1. X Games

  2. the USA

  3. skateboarding

  4. snowboarding

  5. medals

  6. BMX

Przeanalizujcie raz jeszcze odpowiedzi do pracy domowej

Zeszyt ćwiczeń str. 60



  1. have to

  2. mustn't

  3. have to

  4. has to

  5. mustn't

  6. don't have to


  1. have to

  2. mustn't

  3. have to


  1. have to

  2. don't have to

  3. mustn't

  4. mustn't

  1. c

  2. a

  3. b

Ex. 2

  1. F

  2. F

  3. F

  4. F

  5. F

Ex. 3

  1. c

  2. a

  3. c

  4. c

Ex. 4

  1. The referee has to have a whistle.

  2. The players mustn't kick their opponents

  3. We don't have to wear football boots for PE.

  4. X: Do you have to play hockey at your school? Y: No, we don't.

  5. X: Do cyclists have to wear helmets? Y: Yes, they do.

  6. What do players have to do in this game?


1,2,3 i 4 p. 61 w ćwiczeniówce

Piątek - 19.03.2021

Proszę przepisać notatkę z dzisiejszej lekcji.

Unit 6 - lesson 8.docx

Sprawdźcie rozwiązania do pracy domowej.

Zeszyt ćwiczeń str. 61

Ex. 1

  1. The Super Bowl

  2. cricket

  3. no

  4. oldest

  5. beginning

Ex. 2

  1. d

  2. c

  3. a

  4. b

Ex. 3

  1. The Tour de France

  2. The New York City Marathon

  3. The Tour de France, the Argentine Open Championship

  4. The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing

  5. The Argentine Open Championship

Ex. 4

  1. route

  2. raise money

  3. jersey

  4. knee guards


Podręcznik - Ex. 5 p. 78 - na wtorek

Zeszyt ćwiczeń:

Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 62 - ćw. 5 na piątek