Tydzień VI

Poniedziałek - 07.02.2022

Sprawdźcie jeszcze raz odpowiedzi do pracy domowej

Zeszyt ćwiczeń str.46

Ex. 1

  1. invented

  2. designed

  3. installed

  4. created

  5. exhibit

  6. discovered

  7. produced

  8. improved, produced

Ex. 2

  1. design

  2. discovery

  3. exhibition

  4. improvement

  5. installation

  6. invention

  7. production

Ex. 3

  1. a

  2. b

  3. b

  4. a

  5. b

Ex. 4

  1. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and Gustave Eiffel designed the Statue of Liberty in the 1870s.

  2. John Logie Baird invented the television in 1925.

  3. The Levi Strauss Company produced the first pair of jeans in 1873.

  4. Mark Quant created the first mini skirt in the 1960s.

Ex. 5 - kolejność wyrazów nie ma znaczenia

  1. installation

  2. invention

  3. improvement

  4. creation

  5. discovery

Teraz przejdziemy od wyjaśnienia zagadnienia dotyczącego dzisiejszej lekcji.

Teraz przepiszcie notatkę.

Unit 5 - lesson 2.docx

Sprawdźmy raz jeszcze ćwiczenia wykonane na lekcji.

Podręcznik str. 60

Ex. 2

  1. was

  2. made

  3. weren't

  4. taken

  5. was

  6. was

Ex. 3

  1. was invented

  2. weren't used

  3. was designed

  4. is used

  5. are installed

  6. is recorded


Podręcznik str. 60

Ex. 4,5

Zeszyt ćwiczeń:

Ex. 1,2,3,4 i 5 p. 47

Środa - 09.02.2022

Sprawdźcie odpowiedzi do pracy domowej.

Podręcznik str. 60

Ex. 4

  1. was designed by

  2. didn't discover

  3. is improved by

Ex. 5

  1. Alexander Graham Bell designed the telephone in 1876. The telephone was designed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

  2. Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web in 1990. The World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.

  3. 1.4 billion people use Facebook every day. Facebook is used by 1.4 billion people every day.

  4. People upload 4 million photos on Instagram every hour. 4 million photos are uploaded on Instagram every hour.

  5. People send over 30 million WhatsApp messages every min. Over 30 million Whatsapp messages are sent every minute.

Zeszyt ćwiczeń str.47

  1. P, present

  2. A, past

  3. A, past

  4. P, past

  5. A, past

  6. P, present

Ex. 2

  1. are designed

  2. is produced

  3. are exhibited

  4. is eaten

  5. are discovered

  6. is created

Ex. 3

  1. was invented

  2. wasn't discovered

  3. was designed

  4. weren't made by my aunt

  5. was installed in Buckinham Palace in 1883

  6. weren't created by my class

Ex. 4

  1. are sent

  2. was invented

  3. were produced

  4. was written

  5. was created

  6. wasn't used

  7. are downloaded

Ex. 5

  1. was designed

  2. aren't produced

  3. weren't worn

Czwartek - 10.02.2022

Kopia Strona bierna I


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