Films: 2007

Our 40 Favorite Films of 2007

1. There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson) - 10/10

2. Chop Shop (Ramin Bahrani) - 10/10

3. Zodiac (David Fincher) - 10/10

4. The Darjeeling Limited (Wes Anderson) - 10/10

5. No Country For Old Men (Coen Brothers) - 10/10

6. I’m Not There (Todd Haynes) - 10/10

7. Superbad (Greg Mottola) - 7/10

8. Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford (Andrew Dominick) - 8.25/10

9. Death Proof (Quentin Tarantino) - 8.5/10

10. Margot at the Wedding (Noah Baumbach) - 9.5/10

11. Eastern Promises (David Cronenberg) - 9.25/10

12. The Savages (Tamara Jenkins) - 9.5/10

13. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Sidney Lumet) - 7/10

14. Michael Clayton (Tony Gilroy) - 7/10

15. My Blueberry Nights (Wong Kar-Wai)

16. Knocked Up (Judd Apatow) - 8/10

17. Bug (William Friedkin) - 7/10

18. American Gangster (Ridley Scott) - 7.75/10

19. Gone Baby Gone (Ben Affleck) - 8.5/10

20. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Julian Schnabel) - 8.25/10

21. Charlie Wilson’s War (Mike Nichols) - 8/10

22. Lars and the Real Girl (Craig Gillespie) - 8/10

23. The Bourne Ultimatum (Paul Greengrass)

24. Paranoid Park (Gus Van Sant)

25. My Winnipeg (Guy Maddin)

26. Into the Wild (Sean Penn) - 8/10

27. The Mist (Frank Darabont)

28. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (David Yates) - 8.25/10

29. Sunshine (Danny Boyle) - 7/10

30. The Lookout (Scott Frank) - 7.75/10

31. Once (John Carney) - 7.25/10

32. 3:10 to Yuma (James Mangold) - 7/10

33. Funny Games II (Michael Haneke)

34. Ratatouille (Brad Bird)

35. The Great World of Sound (Craig Zobel) - 7/10

36. Battle In Seattle (Stuart Townsend) - 7/10

37. Planet Terror (Robert Rodriguez) - 7/10

38. Oceans 13 (Steven Soderbergh) - 7/10

39. Rocket Science (Jeffrey Blitz) - 7/10

40. Juno (Jason Reitman) - 7/10

41. The Host (Bong Joon-Ho) - 7/10

42. Sicko (Michael Moore) - 7/10

43. Venus (Mike Leigh) - 7/10

44. Hot Fuzz (Edgar Overrated Wright)

45. Breach (Billy Ray) - 7/10

46. Mister Lonely (Harmony Korine)

47. The Good Life (Stephen Berra) - 7/10

48. Enchanted (Kevin Lima) - 7/10

BEST ACTOR: Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood

BEST DIRECTOR: Ramin Bahrani for Chop Shop

BEST SCREENPLAY: PT Anderson for There Will Be Blood