Understanding Aging, Decay

Decay happens when we gloss over the uneasiness generated by discomforting, irritating situations. Or we become so much assured with our conclusions, securities that nothing disturbs us.

Body decays and brain slows down not with the passage of time but when the auto renewal process is vitiated.

And the auto renewal process is vitiated when brain is not interested (or less interested) in actual functioning, in actual usage, in actual interaction, with possessions, relations, situations, ideas from moment to moment but in seeking stable relief through them or becomes complacent in respect of possessions, relations and so on.

Everything is bound by the resistance of it. A building is standing because it is resisting its fall on the ground. A vehicle is moving as it is moving through tractive resistances. Electric current becomes usable because of resistances applied. Our brain operates because of continuous resistance of ‘pain and uncertainty’ it faces. The illusion sees as if the resistance can be or has been undone-hence dullness, decay.

We have been genetically and culturally conditioned to act, to think in certain way that smothers the natural friction on which brain is sustained.

We think we have to remain pleased, relieved, satisfied all the time.

One has become so much attached to ‘relief’ offered by holidays, entertainment, religious and spiritual activities that one’s other days, other activities automatically become ‘compulsive’. This divide dulls the natural friction.

Instead of bearing the ‘psychological discomfort’ – we gloss over it, cover it up, escape from it by solaces, consolations, by entertainments, by religious-spiritual ideas, activities.

(Apart from immediate physical danger, all discomforts – loss, defame, relationship problems) are psychological discomforts)

Due to dependence upon religious-spiritual ideas, intoxications, entertainments and so on for relief, the capacity to absorb psychological discomforts is weakened. Dullness, decay sets in.

When you are comfortable with any irritating feeling, ambiguity, uncertainty-the release of pleasure hormones (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin) and stress hormones (cotrisol, adrenaline) is balanced. The balancing of these hormones renews the cells of body and brain. You are open to wonder now.

Hormonal activity in the body is balanced not when you feel relief by solutions, by acquiring something or by accomplishment – but when you are amazed to see the outcome as if it is a result of your experiment. Your every action is experiment. Otherwise you are busy in fitting the outcome to some comforting explanations including religious-spiritual. You miss the thrill of which each moment is made. Decay sets in. You miss the touch of the Original.