
"To the People of Northwestern Virginia", broadside issued in February, 1863, just a few months before Gettysburg, proclaiming the certain establishment of the Confederacy. Signed by Charles W. Russell, R.O. Johnston, T.S. Haymond, G.D. Camden, J.M. Bennett, the Auditor of Virginia from Lewis County, Joseph Johnson, former governor of Virginia from Harrison County, U.M. Turner, Leonard S. Hall, H. Fitzhugh, Cyrus Hall, Wm. L. Jackson, E.D. Camden, Charles W. Newlon, W.W. Newman, Wm. Johnson, E.J. Armstrong, D. McLaughlin, J.A. Alderson, J.T. Martin, and James Neeson.   


Confederate Secretary of War, James Seddon, writing to Major Gen. Samuel Jones, ending martial law in southern West Virginia, as requested by Samuel Price, April 1863. 

Letter to Hezekiah Holden from the C.S.A. War Dept., Ed. A. Palfrey, authorizing Hezekiah Holden to raise a company of men to join Col. Wm. Jackson's 19th Virginia Cavalry.  "Confederate States of America, War Department, Adjutant and Inspector Generals Office, Richmond, Feb. 23, 1863. Authority is hereby granted to Hezekiah Holden to raise a Company for the Provisional Army, from within the enemy's lines or in counties subject to their control in N.W. Virginia; the same to constitute a part of the Regiment authorized to be raised by Colonel Jackson and with it to report to Brig. Gen'l A.G. Jenkins. By command of the Secretary of War, Ed. A. Palfrey, Major & A.A.G." He died Sept. 19, 1864 at the battle of Opequon (Third Winchester).