Emenee Jimmy Durante "Hot Cha-Cha" 

My Schnoz Signature

It has Multi Colour strings and is tuned g~C~E~A

I'm not really a fan of Jimmy "Schnoz" Durante, but when I saw his endorsed "Ho Cha Cha" Ukulele from Emenee in, (from the photos and the description), immaculate  condition I, despite what I have said in the past about not getting any more plastic Ukuleles, thought it was worth an invite...

It's here now and it is every bit as immaculate as they said! The action is a bit high but I don't know if it was made that way or there has been a little warping of the neck over the years? Apart from that its probably in as good a condition as any plastic Ukulele of the period I have ever seen. Sound wise, well its a plastic Soprano and there are no surprises there it's pretty much the same as my Flamingo, (so so-so), but I was getting it for decorative purposes really.

I have replaced the strings with a modern multi coloured set to, as much as anything else, jazz it up a little and make it more than just another white plastic Soprano