Caitlyn Gillespie

Research Communication Specialist (2015-16)

MS Student - Applied Ecology (2012-15)


Caitlyn grew up in Iowa and went to college in Illinois at Knox College where she quickly became aware that she preferred wading through creeks and walking in field to a lab bench. After completing her degree in 2008 Caitlyn spent the next couple of years working as several prestigious research stations around the U.S. before joining our lab in 2012. Caitlyn's thesis work built on the basic principles of hierarchical habitat selection to ask how and at what scale land-use change alters habitat decisions in migrating shorebirds. After completing her degree in 2015 Caitlyn continued to work with us as a Research Communications Specialist, exploring opportunities for how best to communicate science across a diversity of audiences. Caitlyn is now a research biologist for the Klamath Bird Observatory.