
Want a high-quality image?

There is a glitch in SketchUp that makes image exports of, say, more than 3000 pixels wide or high to fail if anti-aliasing is turned on. This varies from computer to computer and nobody quite knows why. Also, the anti-aliasing quality in SketchUp is nothing to write home about, so resampling with a good algorithm (like Bicubic in Photoshop) gives you better anti-aliasing than what SU is capable of. and it also makes the visible edges thinner in relation to the whole image.


So, to get a high-quality image, from SketchUp, export the highest pixel level (9999 px is maximum in SketchUp) and import the image into Photoshop and down-sample.

OR, try LayOut to export.

Plugins and Programs

  • Export 2d with Alpha thomthom - A plugin which allows a PNG image export with a transparent background.

  • Sizer Windows utility program which will resize your window to match 2D output. Windows

Vector Printing (Mac)/Use High-accuracy HLR (PC)

Note: printing with the "Vector printing"(Mac) or "Use High-accuracy HLR" (PC) print setting turned on? They switch printing to pure vector mode, so textures and shadows are not printed.

If this isn't the case, you should try updating your graphics card driver or turning off OpenGL Hardware Acceleration (Window menu>Preferences>OpenGL) while printing.

Print to Scale

    • CutePDF to 'print' a PDF using a parallel Camera and check "Use high accuracy HLR" setting in SketchUp's Print menu.Davereap goes into detail (beginning with post #893) about getting a scaled PDF file with CutePDF with SketchUp for radio-controlled planes. Then Inkscape, an Open Source vector graphics editor, can save a DXF or SVG for other applications.

    • Print to Scale Chiefwoodworker's Blog topic

    • Scale Jean Lemire instructs how to set-up printing to scale

    • How to print to scale without losing scale Look for the "fit to page margins" option in PDF. Set "Page Scaling" in Adobe Reader to none.

    • Print to Scale George Knowles - SketchUp Sage article

    • QuickScale Program which scales PDFs. - Fee