Educational Resources

SketchUp User's Guide

SketchUp 2017-13

SketchUp User's Guide

Downloadable manuals

Download manuals For the foreseeable future, only older manuals are available for SketchUp 7, StyleBuilder, and LayOut 2.

Official SketchUp download sites

  • SketchUp 2016 main download site, French, German, Italian and Spanish versions were released along with English. Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean versions are available too.

The MSI for the English version of SketchUp Pro 8 has been released, SketchUp Pro 2015 and 2016 too. There will not be any technical support on distributing the MSI. But if someone is interested in using the MSI, they should be savvy enough to know how to distribute it ;-)

    • Ensure that Windows Installer 3.1 or newer is present.

    • Ensure that the OS is Windows XP Service Pack 2 or newer.

    • Ensure that Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or newer is installed.

    • Note: The regular install file (EXE) is compressed and is therefore much smaller than the MSI.

Video Tutorials

Self-Paced Tutorials

Self-paced tutorials are SketchUp files that are designed as interactive tutorials where you can read about a tool or technique and try it out right there, within the same SketchUp file.

    • Search for "Self-paced tutorial" in the 3D Warehouse, under Models and Collections.

    • There are several tutorials by forum contributors on the Tips & Tricks page which have been selected for their innovative techniques.

    • Several independent SketchUp sites listed below have such tutorials on different subjects.


Amazon search | Google product search

Books, Videos and Lesson Plans for Educators

Some Authorized Training Centers

Official overview

3D Basecamp







A Bunch of Other Sketchy Sites

Non-English SketchUp Sites


Tip from forum member Jeff Davies: "I'm using Ubuntu with Sketchup also. To get around the non-linux problem I run Sketchup in a Sun VirtualBox. It works great. You just need to setup access to a linux folder from within your virtual machine and you can read-write directly onto a linux drive."