Changing Between Layers to have Two DIFFERENT Material Options

Old, archived SketchUp forum thread demonstrating how to use Layers.

Will G


I am working on a project right now where we have multiple material options and schemes. I have been playing around with layers, setting up a layer for each of the two options. When I select the faces on which the materials in question are being displayed and move them onto the correct layer, it seems to select the entire face and not just the material. So when I turn that layer off, it sometimes hides the entire face, and sometimes just the look of the material; but in each case, the same result. It seems that even when the face is hidden, you cannot draw another face to sit underneath it with a different material. I have tried experimenting with applying the material while already on the correct layer, with still no luck. Anyone else tried working on something like this? Or perhaps come up with another solution besides repainting everything each time we want to switch?

I'd be interested in hearing success stories, as well as the failures...




Will, you cannot assign layers to materials. In fact, you cannot assign the same geometry to different layers. The way you should go is:

  1. Create the geometry on Layer 0 (and leave it there for the rest of the model's life).

  2. Make a group of it and put it (only the group) onto (say) Layer Stone (don't change the active layer -use the entity info to put the group on a certain leyer).

  3. Make a cpoy of this group and put it on another layer (say)layer brick.

  4. a-b apply the two separate groups the proper textures each.

  5. now you can turn on layer stone and off layer brick or vice versa.

  6. using scenes will make your life even easier.

Have a look at this example file I made for you in the 3D Warehouse ('s not a very detailed building...):
