Managing scenes and tags

Archived SketchUp forum thread, demonstrating the starting point of some innovative method-of-work. In this case, the management of Scenes and Tags.



I have 2 layers. First (main) is the model. The second layer is dimensions (and text). I have 2 scenes. First scene is the model itself (active just main layer and no dimensions) Second scene are model and dimensions (active main layer) To make dimensions changes I have to go to "windows, layers" and make dimensions layer active. I tried create third scene with dimensions layer active but when I open this scene dimensions layer is not active (Ican not print in this layer). How can I create scene with active dimensions layer. Thanks.



You have to use the 'update' button in the 'Scenes manager' whenever you make changes to visibility of layers, etc. This also applies to camera position, shadows, hidden geometry, etc. (just about anything that changes how the model is displayed.)

Refer to the SketchUp Users Guide...

...and get into the habit of 'updating' the scene frequently.





I do everything in accordance with procedure and get scenes with all layers I ordered. Always active layer is Layer0 ( main layer) and I can not create scene with other layers (I added) to be active and I can make changes on this layer. I have to do this manually. Any other ideas???




Try to right click on a tab and choose the scene manager. The visible

layers box should be checked. If not, check it (but then you will need

to check at all scenes).


Jean (Johnny) Lemire


Hi Eugene, hi folks.

To control the visibility of layers, dont use the Active radio button. Instead, use the visibility checkbox.

Of course updating the scene is required once you have set the settings for the layers (visible or not).

Repeat for each scene if required.

In you case:

1 - Click on the scene tab entitle "Main" (or whatever you called it) to activate that scene.

2 - Make sure that Layer 0 (it cannot be renamed) is visible and that the layer entitled Dimensions (or Text or whatever you called it) is not visible (its checkbox shall be empty).

3 - Update the scene (right click on the Scene tab on top of the model window then choose update in the contextual menu).

4 - Click on the scene tab entitled "Dimension" (or Text or whatever you called it).

5 - Make sure that both Layer 0 and "Dimension" layer are both visible (their individual checkbox shall both be checked).

6 - Update the scene as you did previously. Now, by clicking on the scenes tab, you can make the dimension and

text appears and disapears at will.

Take note that Scene naming and layer naming have no relationship.

You can call you Scene "AAA" or "BCD-345" or "Main without text" or whatever and the Layers "Alpha" or "Bravo" or "Text and dimension 001" or whatever.

Just ideas.

Jean (Johnny ) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.



I think I have not explaned clear my question. I try to clarify.When Layers tab is open there are right and left checkboxes. To work (draw or something ealse) on the layer both checkboxes of this layer have to be marked. When I create scene, save it and then open I can not get both checkboxes marked (exept Layer0) and have just visibility checkbox (on the right side in layers tab) marked. How can I get both checkboxes marked for layers different than the main Layer0. Thanks.




the two boxes are different. The left (round) ones are called "radio buttons" (as Jean mentioned above) and only one can be checked at the same time (it is the same in internet browsers). This means that you only have ONE OPTION: which layer is the "active layer" (i.e. that you are working/drawing on).

You can select another layer than layer0 be the active one but then the dot "jumps" to that layer (no two options at the same time).

The right ones are called "checkboxes" and MORE can be turned on at the same time: they control the visibility of geometry in SU. This is what you need to control when changing scenes.

Select all your dimensions/textboxes whatever (click on them individually with the Shift+Select tool) then right click on the bunch of selection, go to Entity info and change the layer they ar on to anything (or you can activate another layer than layer0 - radio buttons - and create the dimensions/textboxes there - then set layer0 active again and uncheck your dimensions layer).

NORMALLY you cannot turn off the visibility of the active layer (cannot uncheck the right checkbox) although I have experienced that sometimes you can but that's obviously a bug, see here:

If you have multiple layers in SU, you can control their visibility in every individual scene according to your needs - just make sure to update the scene when you have changed something.
