Multiple leader lines using 'Paste in Place'

The edit menu in SketchUp 6 added a Paste in Place tool. It can be used to do things like pasting model geometry from inside a group, on top of the group itself, for more model management control. The paste feature can be used on any entity - not just geometry. You can quickly create multiple text leaders with Paste in Place too. Create a text leader with text tool located at Tools > Text.

And when it is time to move the text leader arrow, Press the left mouse button and Drag the leader to the new location.

Note: The leader text is copied too. The duplicate text can be removed if desired. Usually, you can double-click the lead text as a shortcut to edit the text. If that shortcut edit method doesn't work, select the text, right-click and choose Edit text.

Note 2: The Text tool can seem a bit uncooperative when trying to move the pasted leader end into a new location. Hover the Text tool over the end and hold that position until the tool infers to just the leader end (it may take a few attempts to succeed.)

- catamountain