2D & 3D Text and Fonts

Collection of assorted stuff...

2D Text

    • Title Block Pro thread covering the use of custom-made fonts.

    • hybrid text tool

    • Text component Pro thread on using the Dimension tool to make editable text components that glue to any surface.

      • 2D text dimension Using the Dimension tool to make text components that glue to any surface.

      • FlatText FREE David P - Editable, US ASCII text components. Limited fonts, but more can be added.

    • Funny Dimensions Wo3Dan's tutorial SKP on dimension text tips and more, like replacing the dimension value with <> if you edited the dimension to add text and you want the dimension to maintain dynamic behavior and using \n to add lines (Windows). The hybrid text tool forum thread.

    • 2Dtext_dimension Another Wo3Dan text tutorial.

    • Problems in the marking of TExt Wo3Dan labeling tip with the Dimension tool. xxx

On a Mac, for multi-lined dimension text, use Ctrl+Enter to create a new line and <> in place where you want the dynamic dimension to appear.


    • Dims/Text Visibility TIG, Defisto - Toggles dimensions on/off (hidden/shown.)

    • Dispatch Objects Didier Bur, Rich Wilson - Isolates all texts, dims, construction lines/points, and section planes on separate layers.

    • find and replace text Didier Bur

    • FlatText Editable, US ASCII text components. Limited font selection, but more can be added. International character support may be added at a later date. Fee and Free

  • import note Didier Bur - Imports an ASCII text file as a block or line by line.

  • import text Didier Bur - Imports an ASCII text file as a block or line by line.

  • pick import text Didier Bur - Imports and places an ascii text file as a block or line by line.

  • TextTag1.4 TIG - Plugin to create 2D, editable, geometric text components - which can be extruded.

    • Instructions are at the top of the script. Open the script in a plain text editor like Notepad to avoid the possibility of adding bad formating.

    • Windows-users can add the code \n (do not add a space before or after the code) to add line breaks in the plugin's single line text field. Mac-users try Control+Enter to add a line break. The plugin does have left, center and right text alignment options

  • Text Tools ThomThom - Search and replace text in Text entities in the model. Free

3D Text

    • 2D text Effects with the 3D Text tool

    • 3D Text Editor thomthom - Plugin to create and modify 3D text geometry.

    • 3DTextTool Smustard plugin - editable 3D text plugin.


  • High-Logic Win | FontLab Win Mac - Font creation programs - also they allow you to insert special symbols into existing fonts, add signatures, etc.

  • Elefont and Spiralizer were developed by Armin Müller of armanisoft.ch. He now wants to be contacted to share. Before 3D Text tool was added to SketchUp 6 and the other text plugins were developed, these were the favored programs among SketchUppers to create 3D text. Elefont converts system fonts to 3D DXF. Spiralizer spirals fonts. DXF plugins for SketchUp Free. - Free

  • MainType If you use more than the system fonts, a manager allows for better font management (like temporarily loading fonts and more viewing options) than the built-in system utility. For the easy way, do a search for Character Map.

  • WhatTheFont Web resource which identifies font from an uploaded image.