
Collection of assorted stuff...

Font Programs

In SketchUp, fonts can be used as "clipart" in addition to 3D text characters thanks to the 3D Text Tool - which converts installed fonts into SketchUp geometry.

Identify an unknown font from an image through What the Font?

Download Fonts

(If you collect many fonts, consider getting a font manager. They allow easy font viewing and can temporarily load fonts so the system font directory doesn't get cluttered. Go to for program reviews. Comprehensive font utility list at MyFonts. And here are useful articles on Font Management in OS X and Snow Leopard & fonts.)

  • Font identification

      • Identifont Web resource which identifies font from a series of questions.

      • WhatTheFont Web resource which identifies font from an uploaded image.

Relevant Plugins

    • 3D Text Editor thomthom - Create and modify 3D text geometry.

    • 3DTextTool Smustard - Plugin created before SketchUp added 3D text tool. Still useful as text is editable. Fee

    • RpTools Render Plus Systems - Rich text document wizard in RpTools which adds an editable image component to the SketchUp workspace. Fee - Windows