
Rectum to Weak

Rectum - Damn near killed 'em

Red blood count - Dracula

Rheumatic - Amorous

Saline - Where you go on your boyfriend's boat

Scar - Rolled tobacco leaf

Secretion - Hiding something

Seizure - Roman Emperor

Serology - Study of english knighthood

Sterile solution - Not using the elevator during a fire

Steroids: Hold stair carpet in place.

Surgery - A reason to get an uninterruptible power supply

Tablet: A small table

Terminal Illness - Getting sick at the airport

Tibia - Country in North Africa

Triple bypass – 3 lane motorway

Tumor - More than one

Ultrasound - A loud noise

Urine - Opposite of you're out

Varicose - Nearby

Vein - Conceited

Weak - Seven days

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