
From 2014 onwards, I have noticed respiratory problems and other symptoms that appear could be be other than just reflux but every time, I have been sent for further heart tests - which have always come back negative.

Risk factor: My father died young (55 yrs) from a heart attack.

ECGs - always shw my heart is perfect.

Echo Gram was normal

Linq Reveal subcutaneous heart monitor showed nothing untoward during the 4 years it was active.


MRI Cardiac stress test suggested insufficient oxygen getting to heart. So examine the nozzle of the hosepipe instead of the tap?

Angiogram. Main arteries are clear but some plaque in a Ramon artery, in which they placed a stent. i.e. Traffic's flowing on the motorway but we set up mo parking on the backroad in case, and I'm on a load of different medication to be safe.

The angiogram and stent did nothing to relieve the breathlessness. In the follow up clinic, the nurse agreed it's not heart.

The angiogram caused a small stroke - a lacunar infarc, which is very small and deep in the brain so not possible to see the cause of it. The only symptom is a slight droop to one side of my mouth. In the follow up clinic, the nurse was concerned my respiratory probllem has not been resolved and in her report, suggested my doctor should refer me further.

The letter below, sent to my GP in December 2021, provides a summary update until I get this page better organised.

14 12 21 Not heart.pdf

Update from 2022. Letter composed but not sent.)

It's not my heart.odt