
Notes for pending health record page.

Prostate problem

May 2019 Tamsulosin

5 February 2020 See urologist Tim Dudderidge at SGH

9 February 2020 MRI at SGH

24 June 2020 Covid swab

26 June 2020 TURP

"Have you taken your medication this morning?" I explained I hadn't. I had n need for the omeprazole that day. I was given a rebuke for not having taken it.

I coughed. Nurse looked alarmed. "Reflux," I explained.

Procedure was by spinal injection making me totally insensitised from waist down.

Recovering, I was lying down and required to sip water. I needed to be upright to release gas. I tried to explain this to the nurse. "Reflux," she said and told me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth to clear it! That may have helped if extra-oesophageal reflux had apirated nto my nose but I needed to initiate a TLOSR which required me sitting up straight which I couldn't achieve with the continuing lower body paralysis. When she later managed to help to get me slightly more upright, I rewarded the effor with a belch. But I wonder whether it was the excess gas unable to escape that had promoted the bowel evacuation I had no feeling of?

28 June 2020 TWOC (Trial WithOut Catheter)