
Since running and moderating online forums and facebook gorups to do with acid reflux and Barrett's, many people have been showing an interest in what I eat - although I must stress we are all different and react to foods differently. But, to satisfy their curiosity, I've decided to post images of what I typically consume in a day.

Since my last operation (Collis-Nissen revision), if I eat too much at a time, I can suffer "gastric dumping" when the stomach empties too quickly into the duodenum and can cause symptoms similar to a diabetic - even blacking out. I often have to follow a meal with some dextrose, or, from preference a piece of Kendal Mint Cake to restore balance.

I also find I have more of a sweet tooth than before and can often to manage sweet items better.

Bread can be a problem. I have found I manage a small amount of multigrain better than plain white or wholemeal.

Breakfast (usually about an hour after I've got up and having already had a glass of orange juice)

Normal ingredients: a cupful of Rice Crsipies, a spoonful of Granola (for extra taste and crucnch) a "funsize" piece of fruit and a probiotic vanilla yoghurt drink instead of milk.

And here it is assembled.

This time it was a small apple but it could be a pear, a few grapes, a slice of pineapple.

And this is an alternative I may have just occasionally.

A slice of plain toast with a scraping of orange marmalade.

Together with a strong cup of black coffee (which I have with the normal breakfast pictured left, as well.)


Half a sandwich, a small creamy pudding and a small piece of fruit.

I make a whole ham and lettuce sandwich and cut it in 2 for 2 days' lunches. This time the fruit's a plum.

Ham works well. Although I love cheese, it has caused problems.

Occasionally, I may just have a small cooked chicken thigh instead.

And I'll have a glass of apple juice and plain soda water mixed 50/50.


Mid afternoon, I'll usually have a snack. It will usually comprise one or two items from this selection:a piece of fruit, a piece of chocolate, a biscuit or a piece of cake.

And I'll usually accompany it with another cup of strong black coffee. (I make all my coffee in a cafetière with good dark roast and ground Peruvian coffee.)


In the summer, it's often a salad:

Shown here with a chicken thigh and a piece of breaded fish. (With half a small glass of wine.)

If we have a take away, it lasts me 4 days: This is a quarter of a Chinese curry and rice.

Chicken thigh with vegetables and a vey small drop of wine.

Two Chicken thighs and vegetables (with apple juice and soda).

A piece of my home made "Greek Shepherd's Pie" (with aubergine, miced lamb, garlic, onion and cheesy mashed potato.


Here it's a small fruit salad with ice cream but usually it's just the ice cream. The cheapest vanilla ice cream from preference - not too thick and creamy.

And, of course, a cup of coffee. (I drink either 2 or 3 cups a day.)