The Dragonsitter Series

'Dear Uncle Morton. You'd better get on a plane right now and come back here. Your dragon has eaten Jemima.'

It had sounded so easy: Edward was going to look after Uncle Morton's unusual pet for a week while he went on holiday. But soon the fridge is empty, the curtains are blazing, and the postman is fleeing down the garden path.

What mom loves about this series:

  • It's an epistolary novel! Which means it's written entirely in letters, or in this case, emails!
  • Funny and just a little bit naughty, it's sure to grab readers' attention!
  • My son put down a device with a screen to read the next book in the series when we picked it up from the library! That's HUGE!

What my son loves about this series:

  • It talks about funny things (like poop and farts!) Ha!
  • There are dragons in it.
  • The character "Baby Arthur," who appears in Dragonsitter Takes Off, is a favorite.

There are 10 books in this series. Here they are in order: