Captain Awesome

Imaginative second grader Eugene McGillicudy loves comic books and superheroes so much that he invents his very own superhero alter ego named Captain Awesome! MI-TEE! Along with best friend Charlie Thomas Jones (a.k.a. Nacho Cheese Man) and sidekick Turbo the hamster, Captain Awesome and his superpowered squad protect the town of Sunnyview—as well as the universe—from a comical crowd of “bad guys” in this entertaining chapter book series. (From Simon & Schuster)

What Mom loves about this series:

  • Eugene's full committal to his very vivid imagined alter ego! Imaginative kids unite!
  • Eugene sees enemies in the funniest places: the school cafeteria, the next door neighbor's dog house, and his fellow classmate!
  • I love the friendship between Eugene, Charlie, and Sally. They are friends of different races and sex, but they bond over superhero-dom!
  • The illustrations and funny events that keep my young reader engaged.

What my son loved about this series:

  • Eugene's imagination!
  • Eugene's fights with Little Miss Stinky Pinky.

There are 22 books in this super-fun series! Here they are in order!