Melvin Beederman Superhero Series

This series of children's books for ages 7 and up has it all: hilarious story lines, amazing classic-comic-inspired illustrations, fearless new superheroes, fantasy, action and SNACKS!

Melvin Beederman is a pretty good superhero, even though it always takes him five or six tries to get launched and flying. His weakness (every superhero has one) is bologna, which makes it hard to go into a deli. Still, Melvin manages to keep the city of Los Angeles free of nasty villains—once he’s finally airborne.

Check it out! Melvin has his very own website!

We discovered this series at the Ventura library and how fun to just now realize the author is from Ventura!

Why Mom loves this series:

  • The story is fast-paced and full of action. No problem holding the readers' attention.
  • There are lots of repeated jokes that clever readers will pick up on. It makes them feel like they're in on a secret!
  • LOTS of illustrations for those who don't like "books without pictures." It's almost a graphic novel.
  • Melvin has faults. There are some things he's really not good at, like taking off and "speaking rat." But he remains positive and perseveres.
  • His powerhouse, female sidekick!

Why my son loves this series:

  • Melvin's obsession with pretzels and root beer.
  • The way !Melvin has to flex when he passes his reflection.
  • Melvin's funny rat friend/pet: Hugo!

There are 8 books in this series! Here they are in order: