
We Had Favorites

"Best All Round" "Most Friendly" "Most Studious" "Most Athletic" "Band Sweetheart" "Football Queen."

Didn't they make some great choices!  I don't know how it was done, but I couldn't have made better choices if it had been left up to me.

Here's wishing that each of you went on to great things in your life.  The very best to each of you.


Bunkie Hill and Jerry Hammonds

Hampton Latta and Ann Briley

Jackie Mathis and Eddie Robertson

Richard Clark and Beverly Barton

Nancy Toomer and Gary Davidson

Doris Richardson and Don Vandiver

Jamey Duncan and Linda Wheeler

Lanny Priddy and Pat Patterson

Pat Kovar and Jane Garrison

Jerry Hammonds

Ann (Briley) Weiss


 Richard Clark

 Don Vandiver

~~~~~~~~~~ End:  We Had Favorities ~~~~~~~~~~

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