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Classmate Biographies

This page contains classmate biographies that have been received so far.


Thanks much to those of you who have contributed your personal histories for the rest of us to read, enjoy, and know you better.

The biographies that have been supplied by our classmates are listed below.


HI, classmates, I'd like to tell you about . . . . well, . . . about me !

< Jane (Garrison) Bratcher >

Read about what Jane calls "her escapades" (get ready to blush) . . .


< Ginger (Wood) Bridwell >

Ginger says she just "drifted through life" (well, that's one way of getting through life) . . .


< Jimmy Brockman >

Jimmy mentions Miss Odell and something about "a good grade on this narrative" . . .


< Patricia (Porter Creppon) Burnett >

 Pat writes "I enjoy telling others what to do and how to do it" (some people just need it) . . .


< Bill Cawthon >

Bill writes "no one wanted to employ me at a meaningful job" (some folks just aren't employable) . . .

< Richard Clark >

Richard, in speaking of his debt says, "I owe much" (well, who doesn't?) . . . 

< Kenneth Clowdus >

Ken shares his experience with his "ruptured colon" (very interesting topic) . . .


< Gordon Dailey >

 Gordon tells how his family discouraged his "frivolous waste of time" . . .


< Linda (Wheeler) Duncan >

Linda tells how HHS gave her "culture shock" . . .


< Margaret (Bargsley) Fendley >

 Margaret says the choice of marriage partner is important . . .


< John Garland >

John tells about being a "dam project manager" (watch your phraseology) . . .


< Tommy Gwin >

Tommy's ambition: to ride his motorcycle to (or was it over) Niagara Falls . . .


 < Jerry Hammonds >

Read how Jerry used a fishing license to get married (no way !!!) . . .


< Charles Haslett >

Charles tells how he continues to punish his children (they're grown for goodness sake) . . .


< Marilyn (Walker) Martin >

Marilyn tells how she has been "eating her words ever since" (ever since what or when) . . .


< David McConnell >

David rationalizes about making bad grades in HS (seems he just can't let go of the past) . . .


< Marvann (Branch) Newcomb >

 Marvann tells about living in the jungle of Panama (among the naked natives?) . . .

< Carol (Huskey) Pohorenec >

Carol tells how "some things never change" . . .

< Doris (Richardson) Raymond >

Doris' career came to an end as she gave speeches to large groups . . .


< Bill Rennels >

 Bill tells how he married his friend's date (wonder if they are still friends?) . . .

< Linda (Robison) Richards >

Linda tells how she married a relatively unknown person in under two weeks (amazing!) . . .


< Ed Robertson >

Ed explains all of his avocation activities: "There's a lot of weekends in 50 years" . . .


< Kaye (Buckellew) Trisler >

 Kay tells how she likes to fiddle around (let's see, was that literal or figurative?) . . .

< Ann (Briley) Weiss >

Ann doesn't think she's the same person she was (really, then who was or is she?) . . .

 Walter Kovar submitted the following for his sister, Pat:

< Pat (Kovar) Fletcher Tribute >

If you've not yet written your biography, check the following links for assistance in pulling your thoughts together:


[ Biography Ideas ]


  [ Biography Template ]


We're sure anxious to read your biography.

~~~~~~~~~~ End:  Classmate Biographies ~~~~~~~~~~

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