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How We Look Now

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They say you can't turn back the clock


But, who says you can't wind it up again?


Linda & Bill Cawthon




Ed Robertson



Dianne & Ed Robertson



Ginger (Wood) Bridwell


Isn't it amazing that we've not changed even a little in 50 years!  Oh, well, I guess that I should admit that we're all more handsome or beautiful than we were in high school.  Life is good.


David & Jane McConnell

(I'm the one on the left)

OK, I might as well admit it before you bring it to my attention:  I'm no beauty.  I guess the years weren't as kind to me as they were to you.


Dr. Ann (Briley) Weiss

(OK, who sent this movie star pic?) 

Whow, that Ann is some dish!  I must have been totally brain dead or unconscious in high school to let her get away.  I must have been the dumbest person in our class.



Linda & Jamie Duncan

There are evidently two different speakers in the program.



Let's go for it fellow old timers!


Bill & Pat Rennels

OK, I'll move toward you, and you move toward me.


Yes, that's it.  That's much better, don't you think?



 Jerry Hammonds

That was just too funny for words.


Hampton Latta

Now, Jerry, your joke wasn't really all that funny, and take a look at Bertha Sue Hogwaller would you.  She could have done a lot better than David, but everybody probably already knows that.  Let's see which class was she in?  I think Jerry dated her for a while, Clayton too, but after David, there was just nobody else in her world. Too bad! I don't think Jerry ever got over losing her, and to David.  Now really?


Richard & Marsha Clark

Still on their honeymoon.



Rae (Beebe) Jewett

After seeing me, Rae said she understood why someone had told her they thought I had died several years ago.


Ginger (Wood) Bridwell

Ginger couldn't bear to look at me; she said I've become just...well, just too decrepit to look at.


Kenneth LePoris

Kenneth and I lived close to each other.  I remember just where he lived, but can't remember where I lived.  Kenneth, I hope you can help me with that.



Myrna (Curtis) Ward

I agree, Myrna, profile shots are definitely the way to go.



Eddy & Doris (Richardson) Raymond

Eddy came from Paschal High and married one of our best.


Clayton & Jane Bratcher

Clayton had it all.  He married a football queen, and he could swagger across the gym floor at pep rallies (most of us weren't allowed to). 



David & Jane McConnell

After living for over 35 years in Virginia we decided to ease gently back into this wild, bronco-busting western cowtown riding two mustangs.  Otherwise, how is this fellow who has lived so long back east ever going to face an old cowman like Clayton Bratcher with any pride at all.


Joe & Jean (Hounshell) Patterson

Jean shows us that beautiful people just don't age.


Don Vandiver has become a world traveler since retiring in 2004. 


Margaret (Bargsley) Fendley & Her Guy, Bobby Fendley.  I've gotta tell you Bobby, you never really had a chance.  Margaret gets her man.


David: "I say life is good!"

Jane: "Me, too, except for being married to a speed bump."

David:  "Be careful.  I've located my steady from high school.  I discovered that she never went out with another soul after we broke up.  She had eyes only for me.  She'd take me back in a New York second."


David's high school steady, Bertha Sue Hogwaller.


Pat Patterson

Hi, Pat.  Blue is definitely your color.


George & Carol (Huskey) Pohorenec

What a happy looking couple!


Gordon Dailey

Say, mister, are you our new sheriff?


Gordon Dailey in his laboratory



Kaye (Buckellew) Trisler

We'll soon be hearing more from Kaye.  Doesn't she look great!



Grady & Sarah King

Have camera; will travel.  Can't wait to hear of your last 50 years.



Rhonda & Jim Blakeman

Sailing the high seas in style, January 2008



Tommy Gwin

What a great guy!  Our drum major in high school.  Says he couldn't carry a tune then and can't do any better even now, but that's a story for another page on this web site.  Great to renew our connection!


Herb & Kaye Trisler

As nice a couple as you'll ever meet.

(6 Nov 2008)


Marilyn & Ken Martin

Ken insists that he's master in his home.  He refuses even to tie his own apron when he washes the dishes insisting that Marilyn do it.  What further proof is needed to see that Ken is indeed master in his home.  He has set a very high standard and most worthy example as master of his home that few of us can ever hope to attain.  A true man's man.

(6 Nov 2008)


 Kaye Trisler & Marilyn Martin

Kaye & Marilyn, as lovely as they were in 1959.

(6 Nov 2008)


Richard & Wanda (Brown) Bray

13 Dec 2008



Joyce (Collet) Waddell



 Clifford & Dianne (Hudgins) Cook


"Who’s That Calling Me?"

Looking for my wallet and my car keys;

well, they can’t have gone too far.

Just as soon as I find my glasses,

I’m sure I’ll see just where they are.

Supposed to meet someone for lunch today,

but I can’t remember where.

Or, who it is that I’m meeting;

it’s in my organizer somewhere.

I might have left it on the counter,

or maybe outside in the car.

Last time I remember driving

was to the memory enhancement seminar.

What’s that far off distant ringing—

that strangely familiar tone?

Must be the person I am meeting,

calling me on my brand new cordless telephone.

I might have left it under the covers,

maybe outside on the lawn.

I’ve got just one more ring to go

before my answering machine kicks on.

“Hi, this is David, and your call means a lot to me. 

So leave a message at the tone, and

I’ll do my best to try to remember

to call you back when I get home."

Beep.  "David, this is Jane,

and I’m trying not to cry.

I’ve been waiting here for over an hour. 

I thought you loved me.  This is goodbye."

The voice sounds familiar, and the name, it rings a bell. 

Let’s see now, where was I?  Oh, well.

 ~~~~~~~~~~ End:  How We Look Now ~~~~~~~~~~

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