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After the reunion is past, where do we go from there?  (Some of us may not have another.)

Stay connected, I hope.

50th Anniversary Reunion "Tribute" by David McConnell

David in 1959


David at Retirement, Dec 2004

Yep, it's obvious that if I got a flat top and tossed my glasses I'd look exactly like I did in 1959.  Of course, I'd need a seeing eye dog, and if you think so, you need my glasses more than I do.



Jane's High School Graduation Picture





Jane the hat girl


Considering the Past While

Looking Toward the Future

by David McConnell

How my wishing to connect with the past through reunion with my classmates of long ago squares with my optimism about finding contentment in the future . . . .

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This space is reserved for thoughts that come to mind that I'll want to post, but that I've not yet had.  It's hard knowing how much space to reserve since I don't yet know what thoughts I'll have or even if I'll even think anything.


 Jane & David McConnell trying to look sophisticated


Personal Family Biography Preface

Several years ago I wrote a personal biography for my family of about 110 typewritten pages using the questions that I've included on this web site.  Just go to the Special Features Archive link on the Main Page, then scroll down the Special Features Archive Page until you come to the link for the questions.  Although it was written for my family, I thought some might find the preface that I wrote for that biography to be of interest.  Therefore, I'm posting the preface to my family biography here.

[ Click Here ]

I encourage you to download the questions and write your own biography as a legacy for your family.  I'm certain they will appreciate it very much.  The questions provided make writing the biography really easy to do.


McConnell's Techniques for Building

1. Measure with a micrometer.

2. Mark with chalk.

3. Cut with an axe.

4. Beat to fit.

5. Paint to match.


Why We Had Trouble Finding Suitable Spouses for Our Four Children

Lara McConnell


Lisa McConnell


Lisa & Jim McConnell

I'm not sure why, but Lisa seemed to be a good match for our Jim.


Keith McConnell


Well, you can see that we had our work cut out for us.  You'll be glad to know that we eventually did find spouses for each of our dear children.  It just goes to show that there's someone out there for nearly every stripe, don't you think?  Maybe they'll adopt children like we should've.


Books That Have Resonated With Me

"Mathematics, The Loss of Certainty" by Morris Kline; A great book for anyone interested in the evolution of mathematics.

"Isaac Newton, The Last Sorcerer" by Michael White; Newton was a truly great thinker and probably the greatest scientist that ever lived.

"Main Street" by Sinclair Lewis; Story of a girl trying to find her niche in society; Interesting observation about the book:  the first three paragraphs of the third chapter have no verbs.

"The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" by Laurence Sterne; Called the first psychological novel.  The favorite novel of Thomas Jefferson (and David McConnell).

"How to Retire Happy" by Stan Hinden; a good book that addresses mistakes people often make (and some the author made).

"Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend; a great book that covers important things concerning establishing healty boundaries in relationships.

"Biblical Hermeneutics - A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Old and New Testaments" by Milton S. Terry; By far the best book on Bible interpretation that I've ever found.

"Mother Tongue, English & How It Got That Way" by Bill Bryson; if you love words and writing, you'll love this book.

Favorite Bible Translations:  New King James Bible (it footnotes alternative wording from different primary sources) and the New American Standard Bible.  Each are based upon different primary sources and thus serve as a basis for considering differences among those sources.


David just sort of blended in with the crowd at the hangout frequented by the TCU mathematics graduate students.


David on the cover of the INCOSE Professional Journal


Jane's Dream - rope and brand a Texas cowboy.  Well, I look like one as long as I keep my hat on.  But it's real important to stay off of horses if I'm ever going to keep my ruse from being exposed.


Jane & David

Life is good!  Retirement is good!  However, our investments in the stock market aren't so good!


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