StatusText(Showing status message), Find Name from Array!

Post date: Feb 14, 2011 6:34:59 AM

Show the message on the status of the current Frame. 

 /*Status information */  

 CurFrame.StatusText:= 'Book Details!';


Set the InputFocus:

  CurFrame.InputFocusField = field(publisher_ent);


Find the Name in Given String Array

input = prompt 'Enter the Book Code?';

/*Loop to CONTINUE unitil type valid input*/

 WHILE input='' DO

  input = prompt 'Enter the Book Code?';


    status= arrBook.Find(attributename='code',searchstring='%'+input+'%', rownumber= BYREF(row_num));



  arr_index= row_num;

  Message 'Position of the Given text is '+ arr_index;


  CurFrame.InfoPopUp(messagetext='Book Not Found!', messagetype=MT_WARNING);



row_num gives the position of the searched name.