Communication between view models in Windows 8 MVVM pattern

Post date: Sep 12, 2014 12:26:02 PM

Window 8 mobile application recommends MVVM pattern for Win8 application development. So its each win 8 application may have more than one model, there is possibility where one model has to listen some event from another model.

Below I have discussed the problem I have faced in my project.

1. I have main screen called (ProductList) and it's data context is ProductViewModel.  It has one button called  "Add Product", by click this button user will be shown with "Add Product Popover " (User Control)  will be screen to pick the books from it.

2. "Add Product" is a user control which has separate "DataContext" called "BookViewModel" . It has 2 buttons as "Cancel" and "Done". 

These button actions is handled in "BookViewModel" and also some more actions needs to be done in Parent Model. (ProductViewModel)

Which means there is a communication between BookViewModel& ProductViewModel. 

To achieve this I deiced to go for "PRISM" framework.

1. Download prism framework "Microsoft.Practices.Prism.PubSubEvents.dll" from

2. Add prism reference to your project "Microsoft.Practices.Prism.PubSubEvents.dll"

3. Create some custom class which is used for communication modem.

     class Notifications : PubSubEvent<string>



4. Create  IEventAggregator eventAggregator singleton instance for your project and initialize it.

public sealed class SessionInfo


         public  IEventAggregator eventHanlder;

            private SessionInfo (){


    private static SessionInfo _instance = null;

    public static SessionInfo Instance{


lock (lockObj) {

if (_instance == null) {

_instance = new SessionInfo ();

                        _instance.eventHanlder= new EventAggregator();



return _instance;




5. Go to Popover model (BookViewModel) button events handling and below codes in it.Now it has been published.

In BookViewModel.cs:

     //For cancel button click

    public void OnBtnCancel()





 //For cancel button click

    public void OnBtnDone()





6. These event aggregator has to be subscribe where it is needed. So add below code on your Parent View model (ProductViewModel)


  public class ProductViewModel


            public ProductViewModel()





        //Handling the notification 

    public void OnReceivedNotification(string notificationName)


            Debug.WriteLine("Received Notification name :" + notificationName);

            switch (notificationName)


                case "Done":

                    this.IsOpenAddResourcePopover = false;


                case "Cancel":

                    this.IsOpenAddResourcePopover = false;



