Red Button

Humans walking this land They are my hands and their rage are my blades 

Fire... Leave it on

Your passion will make you strong


I raise an army of zombies instead

If all is broken above our heads

I'll take the floor off your feet

Under my Ocean we will meet


My Eye got tired of this game

Looping bullshit causing pain

I'll press the red button when you sleep

My waves will swipe your heat


You fucking thought you could make us fall

Time after time replaying a false call

Taking us for dumb but we own this ball

You're making me awake I will wash it all


Watch my tide

It'll take you for a ride

Marking my name as it glides

All the fools won't survive


Say my name as you stutter

T-T-Take back your poison out

We will make you clean up your clutter

You don't want to make me shout

For my sounds is explosion

Swiping mountains and mounds

As I sleep under the ocean

You can all hear my growl

by Radharani ©