
Do not label Hekate. Nobody asked any of us if we want to be associated or not with any given symbology. People make whatever they want to satisfy their own cravings including archetyping people into their own wishes and creating thought forms, feeding them with one's own life force, naming them a god or goddess thus releasing them to be summoned by other magicians who are unaware of the laws of energy. Hekate says NO.

It's part of wanting to associate themselves with the given Deity to boost their self esteem. These magicians or religious people are often from a not so nice background of abuse or neglect and has a lot to prove. They dream of great things that could fit into their own roles like the authors of modern novels do, for example Spider Man. We have so many of these super heroes that are intrinsic from the psyche of humans as a means to promote their selves into godhood. The real people who were taken as a base for the archetypes are then left behind and forgotten, often disrespected and denied for the fame makes them seem unreal. They incarnate and take on new avatars and are not recognized much less respected enough to do what they are here to do that is to teach and guide humanity into better perspectives of the Octaves of frequency and realities, to further improve themselves into the higher spheres and understand the lower ones. To be the master of one's self is what people are here for and to show them the way is why Hecate comes. Many life times and mostly who is listened to are some sort of doppelgangers wanting some sort of glory and gratification for some ancient fame. If the priestess is truly devoted she would recognize the energy of Hecate in her Avatar. There are many gods and goddesses walking this orb unrecognized. Sometimes I think it's even better given that we are surrounded by assholes lol

Also worshiping leads to distraction from "Knowing Thyself". Why is there a crossroad? To make you see the many facets of your own reality, to make you stare at yourself and understand where you came from and why. It is not for you to choose a path but for you to see what is there beyond your visible field. The crossroad is when you realize you have been in a maze not because the world is a maze but because you have been walking without true sight. Even your own kitchen would be a maze if you can't perceive your way around.

The Guides are not here because of a need to fulfill the ego but to show the way which they took to be where they are. It is on that way that you should pay attention not on what attributes they have or their appearance. This is how you treat your artists which you worship. This leads to nowhere. We can only guide who listens and acts. This is not a child's play or who is what this is about improving yourself and the overall quality of life in the Star Systems. Get your act together and grow up. Stop worshiping us and anything beyond your own ability of self understanding. We walked this path before you and that's why we're here not because we want to be bathed in gold. The way of the Crow is the way of Silence for in Silence you are able to listen to the real sound. I am here to fulfill my journey with you, will you walk with me? But don't look at me, look at you, this is why I dress in a mirror. There are no riddles when you are in the middle. 
