Do What Thy Wilt

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

“There is no Law beyond Do what thou wilt.”

"Love is the law, love under will"

-Thus to know one's true Will it is necessary to journey inside one's Self, observing without judgement all that is inside, the desires, the dreams, the passions. Judgements are blinds that makes one avoid to see things by what they are, by the means of denying what they see that is not in accordance to the nature of the judgement. If one doesn't see things by what they are, their raw nature, one are as good as blind. For almost all that walks upon this Earth are blind with healthy eyes because they don't see things by what they are but by what they were taught to see and what they were taught to avoid seeing.

Know Thyself In Love To Do Thy Will~ Radharani