Going Back Home

What is fair in this worldTo trap you down with the wolves

What can I do if now

I can't touch you somehow

I will never leave you be

Down the sphere of the abyss

Even if I have to make it crumble

Everything down there will tumble

It's of no good to wait for an open door

To hope for a heart to see the love in their core

And act with kindness for two souls that are one

As they've proven they don't care and my patience is done

I claim your Soul

From all that could ever keep you from me

If this is what they did

Then this is what I shall do and they'll see

Some think too high of themselves

As they hold some keys of holographic nature

Thinking they can twist me in halves

When I am the all that can't be captured

And you are my Sun 

The Light of my Soul

My bright star, loved one

I'm taking you back from this hole

We are going back Home
